Monday, November 30, 2009

Cyber Monday!?!

Did you know it's Cyber Monday? For some reason, this kind of freaks me out in a "Welcome to the future" kind of way. Anyhow, evidently it's the future and I'm having a Cyber Monday promotion! Yay!

In honor of Cyber Monday, Custom Mandles are the price of in-stock Mandles in my etsy store! So find 25 bucks and get your Mandle on!

Clicky click here for some Mandle Awesomeness!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rare Sasquatch sighting..on Etsy's Front Page!!!

What uuuuup? That's what I say when I get all cocky. This is my first
etsy front page and I owe it all to AYLLA! Evidently she included ole' Sasquatch in her treasury and it was picked up by etsy to be front page material. I didn't get to see it when it was up, but I saw that it was featured and verified it Craft Cult Yeaaaah!

Sorry for the arrogance...that was just really exciting for me.

Friday, November 13, 2009

First Weekly "Friday is the official day of shopping instead of working" blog!

So, I've never big on working on Fridays. My friends think that this is very European of me. Not really sure this is true, but it's good enough for me. My favorite thing to do at work instead of working is shopping. That's why every Friday from now on, you'll be able to swing by and see the coolest of bits of my random online shopping finds. Buckle up people, it's gonna be a bumpy ride that may or may not lead to unemployment...

First up, my new favorite named shop The Tiny Tiara. Love this ring! I want to wear it at my rehearsal dinner. I'm so wedding obsessed right now, it's a little nutty.

This pendant from Stunning Anna K. I can't look at it without singing Womanizer, but the Sliimyversion, not Britney (at least not today)

Yay! I'm so happy I found Pijo Designs! Awesome ring and she writes an awesome wedding blog,Rebel Bride

Last, but not least Blue Heart Boutique. Her paper pack feeds my obsession with lists. Must add this to my wish list...perfect reason for more lined paper!

Pretty productive Friday! I made coffee and shopped.
Impressive, right? Don't be intimidated by my productivity...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mandles Man Candles are working their way around the internets...

This is what happens when I'm left to my own devices. I love beer, I love candles...evidently I love making up weird scents. And so, here's what I've come up with!


They come is some of the most man-tastic scents ever, like:
Hooter's Girl (Suntan oil and deep fryer oil)
Stripper Breath (Watermelon Jolly Rancher and Stale Smoke)
Hungry Man TV Dinner (Roast Beef and Creamed Corn)
Ham and Cheese Sandwich on Rye
Munchies (Fritos and Dried Pot)

The soy candles are poured into recycled Rogue Brewery beer bottles which have been hand crafted in a very manly studio filled with power tools and beer, while Whitesnake plays in the background. Now and then I spit on the floor too, 'cause that's how I roll.

Take a look at these Mandles in all their Man-ish glory here in my Etsy Shop

They're going fast, but there's a Ducks game on the this weekend, so I expect that there will be plenty of Rogue bottles to work with come Monday, so stop crying...Man up!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Etsy Virtual Labs: Shop Live with Design for Mankind

Wow! Seriously had such a great first time experience with etsy virtual labs today. While checking facebooktoday I saw that the was this live shopping event with Design for Mankind . So, I wandered in to check it out and was really inspired!

Reason # 148,279,446 why I so LOVE etsy: such an amazing sense of community with other artists who are just trying to spend their time making cool stuff and checking out other people's cool stuff.

Erin Loechner, who btw is my new favorite person on the internets, was talking live via webcam about her etsy holiday gift picks. She has an amazing eye and found some really great etsy artists who are now part of my ever-growing list of hearted favs. But, that wasn't the coolest thing. She was super inspirational, answered lots of our questions, and made me want to create something that would catch her eye. Who knows, maybe next year there will be a little Koi Kouture creation on her pick list.

Here are some of my favs from her picks:

Customized Notebook Pouch by Squirrellicious

I'd have mine read: Do you like me? Circle yes or no

Let's Make Out Pillow by AlexandraFerguson

Yes, lets!

Child TeePee by GracieBeanBaby

So Teepees are really "in" right now. Ya learn something new everyday.

Book of Lists Notebook by jedgell

Did you know that crossing stuff off on a list releases endorphins? I ask you, what better gift is there than endorphins?

Check out her entire list of gifts here

And don't worry if the links to the products show them as "sold". The artists have plenty more in their etsy stores, so browse it up.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sasquatch is a little sassy!

One Saturday afternoon my fiance and I came across the weirdest movie called "The Sasquatch Gang". I have the reputation of falling in love with absolutely ridiculous movies that nobody else likes or gets and I have a feeling that this is one of the movies that my fiance refers to as "your weird movies you watch over and over again".

Anyhow, it inspired me to make this little Sasquatch necklace, because what's the point of making jewelery if I can't make the kind of weird stuff that I like, right?

Take a look at Sasquatch in his natural habitat...

He's pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
Check out my etsy shop to get a sassy Sasquatch of your own. Click on over to Etsy!