Monday, August 24, 2009

First Post and I'm already behind schedule!

Wow! Seriously, after procrastinating for forever, I've finally gotten around to getting this Koi Kouture Blog show up and running! So...hmmm...yeah...

Anti-climactic so far.

I guess I'll clarify what I'll be doing here so that no one is reading and wondering, "When is she going to start talking about koi?!?". I probably won't be doing much koi talking or writing as it were. Koi Kouture was originally started so that I could get my creativity out and about while continuing to devote lots of time to koi ponding and filtration. After building an inventory of unique koi related jewelry, clothing, and gifts, I decided that I wanted to explore my creativity a bit more and create my own jewelry. So I started that. Love it. Need more time to do it. I also started writing an article for Koi Nations Magazine promoting and exploring what I call the pond lifestyle. You know, sitting outside by your pond with a glass of wine and enjoying your pond and your fish. Things have just sort of radiated from the little side projects that I picked up. Now a days, it seems that Koi Kouture has become an excuse for me to explore all sorts of things I'm interested in and call it a job. So, this blog will reflect all the stuff I love about my job as a business owner, awesome girlfriend (or fiance, now that I think about it), non-professional party thrower, jewelry artist, anti-cheesy crafter, wannabe foodie, fish lover, writer (only one page at a time), novice mixologist and pre-filtration enthusiast (that's for my pond filtration dork friends).

Don't forget to check out
Truth be told...I'm not the most tech-savvy person (don't pretend that you're not impressed with my amazing ability to make the blog background blue...did that myself). Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to add a little link-y thingie that will take you right to One day.

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